Category: All

  • 5 Tiger Morning

    5 Tiger Morning

    I used AI to generate scenes for this short film Original music by improvised by my bandmates and I, Quality at Your Service (q@ys).

  • Design That Matters

    Design That Matters

    In 2001 I asked some friends at the MIT what would happen if, hypothetically, we were to give an MIT technology tour for a visiting Bangladesh women’s collective. This question led to a student-led for-credit seminar to engage engineering students with developing technologies for under-served communities, then a global conference involving NGOs from thirteen countries,…

  • Product Genius AI

    Product Genius AI

    Product Genius is leveling the playing field by bringing state-of-the-art AI to small and medium sized businesses, and creating the next generation of generative AI-powered shopping experiences.

  • Drum-o-Saurus


    The problem with drums in the city is they are too large for small spaces, and too loud for the neighbors!  Plus drums are heavy and bulky to move. The problem with digital/electronic drums is that they are not like playing real drums. They feel like holding your lover’s hand with pliers. No feel. No…

  • Halloweens


    We make costumes for halloween

  • Dogs in a Pile

    Friends playing friendly music

  • TED Talk

    TED Talk

    When Machines Have Ideas, 2016 “When we build stories into machine intelligence systems, we should enable them to attach probabilities to their stories. Weighing alternatives stories is important, because it builds solid foundations. If the system weighs stories against each other and sometimes returns to earlier stories, readjusting them or reconsidering its beliefs, then the…

  • ADI Garage

    ADI Garage

    After my startup Lyric was acquired, I led it as a growing machine learning chipset division for Analog Devices, Inc. and also the corporate research labs.

  • The First Commercial Chips for Deep Learning

    The First Commercial Chips for Deep Learning

    I was the founder and CEO of Lyric Semiconductor, Inc. which developed grew out of my PhD work at MIT. We developed the world’s first digital tensor processing units for machine learning, providing over 1,000x Joules/Ops power wins for machine learning workloads. We were acquired by ADI, and our technology incorporated into wireless infrastructure, medical…

  • Jamioki


    Is it possible to improvise a symphony? We developed the technology to make it possible.

  • Games for Song

    Games for Song

    Games for Song is a collection of games for collaborative musical improvisation. Let a game become a song.